Friday, 20 March 2015

When Harry Met Mr Rodri

I was working from home today and got a cold call from a chap called Harry. Harry assured me that he didn't want to sell me anything and would only need a few minutes of my time.

So I gave him my time and a load of lies.

I told him I was a 75 year old unemployed burglar, squatting in a vacant house. I steal all the utilities off the neighbors. When I need a mobile phone I just nick one I drive a stolen Porsche and keep a pot bellied  Vietnamese pig in my Garden.

You have to hand it to Harry he had his eye on the prize. I suspect that all he really wanted to do was keep talking for as long as possible and get through as many questions as possible before I hung up.

I don't understand how any business that uses these services can ever get any useful information out of it. Even if they manage to find someone willing to endure it, the callers are more interested in getting to the end of the call that getting the right answers.

The recording is kind of long and boring. But its difficult to make these types of call fun when they don't want to listen and talk over you.